Monday, June 1, 2015

आकाशबाटै टिपेर सिकार गरेको जस्तो देखिने, सिंहको आक्रमणमा परेका जनवारहरु....Watch Video >>

An ideal city for ambush a common hunting strategy for lions

An ideal city for ambush a common hunting strategy for lions  but it tans to be a warm weather supports. In the dry season, there is little moister in the vegetation. Grazing animal must come down to drink, lion know this a perfect place to hunt for their meals. Three females entered the waterfall zone, two grown adults, and a young one. A hunting group is hunting their own. They are the expert hunters. The secret of their trades pass down to the female.  Running around any animal that hunts for a living will incite its prey chasing mechanism faster than you can blink. It will be difficult but hold your ground and breathe steadily. Their alarm clock will be the sound of the kill. Lion may be the hit speed 37 miles per hour but it can only maintain it for 300 feet.  In fact, most lions will choose to run when confronted by a human, especially if you show any signs of being scrawny, as they prefer to avoid confrontation with non-typical prey species. However, the desire to run away can’t be said of all lions, especially those that feel cornered, are starving or feel that their territory or cubs are threatened. Lions are fairly lazy on the whole and if you look like a challenge, the chances are that the lion will treat you as such and be less inclined to attack. Things that might help increase your physical size appearance.


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